
SKT T1 takes clean win against I May

Lee "Duke" Ho-seong plays top lane for the South Korean League of Legends team SK Telecom T1 at the 2016 World Championship. Provided by Riot

Defending League of Legends World Champions SK Telecom T1 were in total control on Saturday night in a clean victory over League Pro League challengers I May.

The South Korean team was under a bit of pressure early as mid laner Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok was ganked and killed for first blood, but substitute jungler Kang "Blank" Sun-gu came around to steal a kill back before dying.

Blank would remain active, as he'd join in a gank in the bottom lane and then dive the top tower to pick up three kills and an assist at the 12-minute mark. A 5-3 team kill advantage for the South Korean side also came with a 3,500 gold lead with two dragons after 15 minutes had passed.

There would not be another kill until the 28th minute, but SKT spent all of that time controlling the map and setting the team up for a Baron Nashor kill. I May tried to face check the Baron pit to see what the South Korean team was up to, and lost their top laner Shek "AmazingJ" Wai-ho.

The Baron buff was all SKT needed to end the game, as it would use the empowered minions to crack the Chinese team's defenses. A big team fight in the base would result in four kills for SK Telecom T1, enough to take the nexus and earn the victory.

Three kills were all the defeated I May could manage, as the team earned no towers, dragons or other objectives over the 32 minutes of gameplay. SKT players Lee "Duke" Ho-Seong, Bae "Bang" Jun-sik and Lee "Wolf" Jae-wan all ended the contest without a death.

The 2015 champions move to 2-0 for the tournament, while I May fall to 1-1. Next up for SKT is a matchup with Flash Wolves, while I May will take on Cloud9, with both matchups taking place on Sunday.