
Ahq stays alive, ousts INTZ from quarters contention

Ahq e-Sports' hopes remained alive in Group C after eliminating INTZ e-Sports from quarterfinals qualification at Worlds. Riot Games

Ahq e-Sports Club cruised through INTZ e-Sports to improve to 3-2 in Group C at the League of Legends World Championships group stage. INTZ e-Sports' hopes for a quarterfinal berth ended with its loss.

The pace was slow during and after the lane phase, with both teams favoring passivity and a focusing on itemization instead of fights and harassment. Despite the weaker bottom lane from INTZ e-Sports, ahq only teleported when the numbers easily favored its composition. When the lane phase ended, there were only a few altercations, ending with peel-offs and disengagements for a tense stalemate into the 20-minute mark.

Then ahq took an overwhelming team fight victory when its initiation caught three of INTZ's players out of position. The subsequent Baron kill at 24:53 after the team fight victory broke the game open.

Ahq ballooned the gold lead to 10,000 with the help of a 9,000 gold spike via Baron buff and barreled the top and middle lane for complete map control. The team continued to march through the middle lane and snowballed kill after kill until the game was over.