
Interview: Tanner in the Times

"Rally racing is this pure, crazy sport where at the end of a weekend it feels like you really got away with something big," he said. "You take so many risks… there are at least 100 times you could crash the car at a very high speed." Photo: from the New York Times—Dilip Vishwanat

Tanner "Foxy" Foust just landed an interview amongst the pages of the New York Times. I've never found New Yorkers to really think very seriously about rally, usually they act like rally is pretty trivial and anyone dedicated to it or any other lifestyle sport is "cute." But, why not give 'em another chance? The article gets rally out to a few more people who won't ask, "it's like NASCAR, right?" the next time hear the word rally.

Of course, "rally is a dangerous sport" and the cars are "merely striped down." Stuff has to sound dangerous to the mainstream. Ever watched Fox news, or stumbled upon John Tesh on the radio? "We're going to tell you five things about going to the grocery store that just might save your life." Am I going to die if I don't listen? Only if I switch the station to one playing that Single Ladies tune from Beyonce—yuck.

Check out the article here, and be stoked that the next time you meet folks from NYC they might not think rally's "cute."

Also, peep Tanner's social vibrance:
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/tannerfoustracing

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tanner-Foust/48179908421

Website: http://www.tannerfoust.com/