« PREVIOUS: No. 75 -- Anthony Napolitan's double front flip stuns X Games
This story appears in the Dec. 14 issue of ESPN The Magazine.
63. The Pirates set an ignominious major-sports record by finishing below .500 for a 17th straight season. The son of a player on the Bucs' last above-average squad is now a top MLB pitching prospect. Who's his daddy?
A. Mike LaValliere
B. Doug Drabek
C. Jay Bell
D. Bob Walk

B -- Doug Drabek. Drabek's son is Kyle Drabek, a 2006 Phillies draftee.
63. In August, Delaware tried and failed to legalize single-game, Vegas-style betting. Just one other state also has the option to petition courts to allow sports gambling. And that state is ... ?

Oregon is the only other state exempt from a federal law that forbids sports gambling in states that haven't already legalized it (Nevada and Montana).
NEXT: No. 75 -- Xavier's Jordan Crawford dunks on LeBron James »