15Andrea Marcato, FB
14Guilio Rubini, W
13Gonzalo Canale, C
12Mirco Bergamasco, C
11Matteo Pratichetti, W
10Luke McLean, FH
9Paul Griffen, SH
1Salvatore Perugini, P
2Leonardo Ghiraldini, H
3Carlos Nieto, P
4Santiago Dellape, L
5Marco Bortolami, L
6Alessandro Zanni, FL
7Mauro Bergamasco, FL
8Sergio Parisse, N8
16Franco Sbaraglini, H
17Martin Castrogiovanni, P
18Carlo Antonio del Fava, L
19Josh Sole, L
20Pablo Canavosio, SH
21Luciano Orquera, FH
22Roberto Quartaroli, W

*Players currently on the pitch are shown in bold

Game Info

Venue: Stadio Flaminio
9:15 AM, March 21, 2009
Attendance: 27,650

Match Commentary

83'8-50 End of half
82'8-50 End of half
82'8-50 End of half
81'Framce were much better than last week, but Italy were not great. I hope you enjoyed the match with - see you next time.
81'Player substituted - Luciano Orquera , Italy
81'Substitute on - Franco Sbaraglini , Italy
81'+28-50 End of second half
80'Final move of the match. France nick the ball after the scrum - and they attack on the Italian 22. - Italy tackling - knock on and the match ends.
79'Italy win a penalty - and they opt for a scrum.
78'Italy should be allowed to play in the Magners League - a couple of clubs any way.
77'centre Bastareaud - he is a big b...chap! - breaks down the pitch - but Italy get a relieving penalty.
76'Michalak misses conversion and France are on 50 points. Francois Trinch-Duc is named Man of the Match.
76'8-50 Try - Julien Malzieu , France
75'TRY Italy steal the ball back - take it back to the forwards - France nick it and go blind side down the left and Sub Julien Malzieu canters in to score unopposed.
74'France still getting up quickly. and they get the ball.
73'Italy's summer tour is to New Zealand and Oz - so some easy games there! Ball in to touch - France take a quick throw - recycle - Italy nick it.
73'Substitute on - Luciano Orquera , Italy
73'Player substituted - Luke McLean , Italy
72'Italy will do really well if they don't leak 50 points - hopefully they won't. Penalty to the home side.
72'Player substituted - Cedric Heymans , France
72'Substitute on - Julien Malzieu , France
72'Player substituted - Lionel Nallet , France
72'Substitute on - Jerome Thion , France
71'Italy against the wind fail to kick the ball 10 metres - scrum to France on half way.
70'It has to be said one of the passes did look forward - but still a good try.
70'8-45 Try - Maxime Medard , France
69'TRY Italy win their throw and drive it on the forwards - box kick - France get it and move it wide - hands a blur various players - switch and Medard scores in the corner - his second.
69'Substitute on - Josh Sole , Italy
69'Player substituted - Marco Bortolami , Italy
68'Italy have nearly made 100 tackles.
67'Italy force the French back and get a penalty - well done to them.
67'Substitute on - Pablo Canavosio , Italy
67'Player substituted - Paul Griffen , Italy
66'France go right at the scrum - ball driven on - recycle - 2 metres out - again Italians throw themselves in to the tackle - still 2 metres out.
65'Italy tackle, tackle, tackle. Scrum to France inside the Italian 22.
64'French scrum inside the Italians 22 - Italy nick the ball and clear down the centre - France counter again.
64'Substitute on - Louis Picamoles , France
64'Player substituted - Imanol Harinordoquy , France
63'France on the attack - Italy knock on near half way line. Both teams are trying to play expansive rugby - but just needs a little more discipline and structure to really release the play.
62'Italy win their throw - kick by Bergamasco who is hammered by Chabal. drop out.
61'Ball to touch down the Italian right deep in the French half.
61'Substitute on - Mathieu Bastareaud , France
61'Player substituted - Florian Fritz , France
60'Penalty to Italy.
59'The Italians are really trying to give it a lash and good on them - France are also attacking when they can - wouldn't you 32 points up!
59'Player substituted - Carlos Nieto , Italy
59'Substitute on - Martin Castrogiovanni , Italy
58'It amay have taken the Italians agaes since they last scored I think against England - but what a try to break their duck!
58'8-40 Try - Sergio Parisse , Italy
57'Marcato misses conversion
56'TRY Italy score a wonderful try. Marcato chips over the onrushing defence several hands with the ball eventually getting the ball to the captain Parisse who scores much to the delight of the crowd.
55'Frederic Michalak is on as scrum-half - but he misses the conversion.
55'Player substituted - Santiago Dellape , Italy
55'Substitute on - Carlo Antonio del Fava , Italy
55'3-40 Try - Thomas Domingo , France
54'TRY France get a try through a forwards surge.
53'Italy clear the ball to touch still deep in their half. France surege for the try line from the throw. Slow ball - still with the forwards.
53'Player substituted - Dimitri Szarzewski , France
53'Substitute on - William Servat , France
53'Player substituted - Morgan Parra , France
53'Substitute on - Frederic Michalak , France
52'Centre Florian Fritz dives for the corner but is touch in goal - Italian drop out. Parisse again making the tackle to stop the try. Ball kicked long and France counter down the centre. Subs being made by both sides.
51'Ball still in play both teams counter attacking. Breathless play.
51'Substitute on - Thomas Domingo , France
51'Player substituted - Sylvain Marconnet , France
50'McLean kicks again - wasted - France clear long and Italy again give it the lash.
49'Italian throw inside their own half. France get the ball and counter - recycle - Chabal burts through down the centre - a caveman - just broght down 5 metres short - knock on later - Italy counter - good attack - up to half way.
49'Substitute on - Roberto Quartaroli , Italy
49'Player substituted - Matteo Pratichetti , Italy
48'It is difficult to see what Italy can do - I guess tackle, tackle, tackle!
48'3-35 Penalty goal - Morgan Parra , France
47'Parra scores again to hammer another nail in the Italian coffin.
46'Penalty toi France inside the Italian half - and strangely are going for the posts - I would have through a kick to touch may have been good.
45'Italy trying to generate more energy - but France are eager to tackle.
44'The crowd roar - fly-half McLean grubber kicks - too long - drop out.
43'Parra converts. Italy get the ball after restart and chip down line - Italy get the ball from the lineout - five metres out.
43'3-32 Conversion - Morgan Parra , France
43'3-30 Try - Cedric Heymans , France
42'TRY Italy trying to be expansive - chip - France up quickly - ball bounces to winger Heymans who scores under the posts.
41'France attacxk down the blind - but Italy nick it and move the ball wide left.
41'3-25 End of first half
40'Italy get the ball from the kick off and kick long - France kick back and Italy try to move the ball - but mess up - but keep the ball - cleared - France counter.
40'The crowd are willing for the Italian team to do something. France pick up at the base of the scrum and go left. French men eager for the ball. - up to half way. Up and under - knock on - and its half time.
40'3-25 Start of second half
39'France knock on - much to Italian relief. Italy break out after the scrum - a flowing move - but they knock on - the crowd roar in frustration.
38'Again France attacking just outside the Italian 22. France are now dominating possession. France will have the wind in their favour in the second half - it is hard to think that Italy will get out of their 22!
37'Italy seem shell-shocked.
36'Italy get a relieving penalty.
35'France perssing for a fourth try behfore half time.
34'France wide left and Heymans chips down the line - Italian scrum-half Griffen gets across to take the ball in to touch - French lineout 5 metres out.
33'Italy MUST stay focussed otherwise they will be hammered.
33'3-25 Conversion - Morgan Parra , France
33'3-23 Try - Maxime Medard , France
32'Italy throw after restart - France are eager for the ball - and the visitors take it.
31'Parra converts this time to add to Italian woe.
30'TRY France clear the ball high and Italy mess up and Dusautoir gathers and races down the pitch passes to Medard to score and France are out of sight already
29'Morgan Parra - perfect so far - but misses the conversion.
29'3-18 Try - Francois Trinh-Duc , France
28'TRY France win their throw at the front and pass the ball to fly half Trinch-Duc who dummy passes and slices his way through the Italians to score.
27'Good Italian scrum but they give away another penalty. France are in control despite Italy having most of the territory.
26'Italy scrum deep in French half.
26'3-13 Conversion - Morgan Parra , France
25'Parra converts
25'3-11 Try - Sebastien Chabal , France
24'TRY ball moved to Chabal who smashes his way through to the line from 25 metres.
23'France win their throw on the 10 metres. Slow ball and again Italy up quickly - high kick - Yannick Jauzion takes it brilliantly.
23'3-6 Penalty goal - Andrea Marcato , Italy
22'France high at the restart and Italy gather and clear very long.
21'Marcato scores.
20'Ball cleared to touch - but very much most of the play has been outside the 'red zone' . Italy get another penalty with a chance to get some points on the score board.
19'French scrum on half way line. Ball left and Italy are up quickly and nearly intercept. - France kick long - Italy send it very deeply back and France counter with ball in hand.
18'France moving the ball well with far more fluent movement by ball and players.
17'Ball falls over and it is now held - but it goes wide.
16'Italy get a penalty from the lineout and are going for the posts - Full back Andrea Marcato is lining it up.
15'Up and under - Traille gets it from full back and the ball is cleared long. Italy send it back and France puts the ball in to touch.
15'0-6 Penalty goal - Morgan Parra , France
14'Italy get the restart and move the ball wide right.
13'Parra keeps the ball low and he scores again.
12'Italy with the ball after their throw - but France take it and move the ball down the centre - and Italy give away another penalty - in front of the posts. The Irish ref is talking to the Italian captain in French - ahhh the common market!
11'France are getting in to their stride - but they give away a penalty on the half way line.
10'Italy attacking again - but penalty for holding on to the ball. France tap and go - wide to winger Heymans - he sets off and makes yards - grubber kick - too long - drop out.
9'Chip ahead and France counter with some lovely passing up to the Italian 10 metres. Knock on and Italy kick long - too long - ball dead - French 22 drop out. France have started brightly - well better than last week!
8'France try to clear after the restart - but the ball goes nowhere and Italy again on the attack.
7'The scrum-half Morgan Parra does well to score.
7'0-3 Penalty goal - Morgan Parra , France
6'Italian scrum under pressure - a surprise - penalty to France and they are going for the posts. Difficult with this wind. Jusr inside the 22 widish left.
5'France throw deep inside the Italian 22 - Throw not straight - scrum.
4'France nick the ball and kick up to half way - penalty to France on the half way line.
3'France clear ball down line after throw in. They get the ball and attack down the centre - Italy get it and chip forward - France under pressure.
2'France hardly get the ball over the 22 metres line and Italy get it andattack wide left - then back to right. Ball in touch. The forwards have a bit of a dust up.
1'France are dominant - they are being allowed to do better than last week as the Italians are just not getting it together. They appear to be doing nothing - Parisse excepted who is still simply everywhere. Italy could be in serious trouble in the second half - if they are not now!
1'France gather and clear long - Italy counter - kick too long - drop out. There is a strong wind in Italy's favour.
1'The italian crowd are on song. If their pack are also France will have a fight on their hands - and I am not just talking figuretively! The ref is French speaking Irishman - Alain Rolland. Italy are kicking off left to right
1'0-0 Start of first half

Six Nations 2009 News