Team USA has finally released (ahem, dropped) its critically acclaimed JOSS video, "My Friend Is A Pro." The phrase "critically acclaimed" is a bit of awell, a total misnomer here. The judges gave "My Friend Is A Pro" zero [0] total points out of a possible, umwho cares? A zero [0] is a zero [0]. A zero [0] from the judges (critics) notwithstanding, Team USA awakened the hearts, minds, and screaming mouths of the Åre, Sweden fans on its way to winning the presitigious People's Choice award. That makes the video critically panned, popularly acclaimed. Cool.
Before scrolling down more, be prepared for the greatest first/last-place anything of, well, of ever. We recorded the vocals for the chorus and breakdown over again on a stage mic (we used a lapel mic for the original recording). The song sounds way better now. So you should watch this, the official version, whether you think you've seen the video already or not. And, as always, please click "refresh" 20 or 30 times, for my sake.
Team USA's "My Friend Is A Pro." Winner of the JOSS People's Choice Award.
Watch the full video HERE. NOW.