
More SAT exam questions for Memphis emerge

ATLANTA -- Robert Dozier is the second men's basketball player who starred on the Memphis team that made it to the 2008 championship game to have questions arise about his entrance exams.

University officials already were preparing for an NCAA hearing Saturday to answer charges that a former player, believed to Derrick Rose, cheated on his SAT exam.

Dozier's inconsistent SAT scores prevented him from being admitted to the University of Georgia. His initial SAT score was invalidated by the company that scores the exam, and his follow-up score was dramatically lower, according to Georgia records obtained Friday by The Associated Press.

Dozier's problems with his SATs prompted the University of Georgia to deny his admission in 2004, the records show. His four-year career at Memphis ended with the 2008-09 season.

Dozier's SAT problems were first reported by ESPN.com.

Memphis officials will answer questions about Rose in a hearing with the NCAA Committee on Infractions on Saturday in Indianapolis. Former Memphis coach John Calipari, now at Kentucky, will participate in the hearing from China by telephone.

Memphis athletic director R.C. Johnson declined comment Friday on Dozier when contacted by The Associated Press, saying he was focused on preparations for Saturday's hearing.

However, earlier Johnson told ESPN.com he was confident the school had "done all the things we're supposed to do" regarding Dozier.

Memphis officials say the school should keep the victories from the 2007-08 season that ended in the national title game after an internal investigation turned up no proof that a former men's basketball player cheated on his SAT exam.

Names were redacted by the school in the Memphis report, released Tuesday to The Associated Press and other news outlets under a public records request, but an attorney for Rose has acknowledged that Rose cooperated with an investigation of similar allegations while still a student.

Rose, the overall No. 1 pick in the 2008 NBA draft and the rookie of the year, was the point guard for the Memphis team that lost to Kansas in the title game.

Dozier was a key contributor on that team. The 6-foot-9 forward averaged 12.9 points and 7.5 rebounds as a senior in the 2008-09 season.

Memphis is not expected to have to answer questions Saturday about the new revelations regarding Dozier, but the Committee on Infractions could follow up with another hearing.

Dozier gave a verbal commitment to Memphis in 2003 but signed with Georgia in March 2004. Georgia officials were alarmed that Dozier scored 1,260 on the SAT because the score wasn't consistent with his grades at Lithonia (Ga.) High School or his much lower score on the PSAT.

According to documents released by Georgia through an open records request, a faculty member at Dozier's high school informed the NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse that Dozier's score "is completely out of line with anything Robert has done academically at our school."

The faculty member, who asked to remain anonymous in the report, also reported in the March 30, 2004, letter an allegation that a Lithonia High graduate took the SAT for Dozier at the North Atlanta High School test center.

Dozier's score on a follow-up SAT test was 720, according to records obtained from the University of Georgia, and the results of his first SAT were canceled by the Educational Testing Service.

Dozier enrolled at Laurinburg Institute, a prep school in Laurinburg, N.C., where he played with future Memphis teammates Antonio Anderson, Kareem Cooper, Roburt Sallie and Shawne Williams.

He began his four-year career at Memphis in the 2005-06 school year and graduated in May with a degree in interdisciplinary studies.

Dozier, like Rose, was a Calipari recruit. Kentucky spokesman DeWayne Peevy said, "It'd be improper for us to comment on a University of Memphis matter without knowing all the details and facts."

Peevy said Kentucky has had no involvement in Saturday's hearing with the NCAA committee and did not expect to have comment from Calipari about the hearing.

"We're moving forward," Peevy said. "We support him to be a part of the hearing. After that, there's not much we can do at this point."


Associated Press Writer Jeffrey McMurray in Lexington, Ky., contributed to this report.