
Minnesota State Fair Edit

I know the state of Minnesota is currently under a deep December freeze, but we've got just the cure. Well okay, maybe it's not a cure, but a reminder of those warmer days of Summer '09. It's an edit from Team Dilly's Kyle Stark, from the Minnesota State Fair. Here's what Kyle had to say about the video:

"Riders: Dustin Greiss, AJ Haines, Darrin Treanor, Seth Peterson, and Phil Book. Commentary by Seth.
Event: Minnesota State Fair, an annual 12-day festival ending on Labor Day. Each year 3rd Lair, a local skatepark, builds a mini skatepark and shows are held on every day of the fair. The BMX portion of the shows are coordinated by Dustin Greiss, founder of interbmx.com and most recently BMX grub, a bmx news iPhone application. This year I went to check out the shows on a few different days and filmed a few things. This video is the result."

Enjoy, and stay warm out there.