7.35pm The game has been called off. India will lead 1-0 going into the fourth game on Tuesday. All the fans - 10,000 odd - who trooped in now will have to head home empty handed. Yes, entry was free but what of the time spent at the ground?

And in other news, Jemimah Rodrigues may have to just wait another year for a maiden WBBL experience.

DB: "Everyone questioning schedule should know that it is a rarity in these parts to get so much rain in September let alone at the end of it. People here are more upset at a curtailed navratri than cricket."

Sujay: "Weather is unpredictable. However, there is always the option of hosting matches on ground with good drainage system. For example, with the facility Subair system at Bangalore, we could always have a game even if the rain is a little heavy." -- Vijay Hazare Trophy matches being held there.

Sumesh: "Talking of domestic cricket, all the Vijay Hazare matches in Baroda ( where the ODIs are scheduled) are getting abandoned and probably rescheduled for future dates. Indian team management knew about Surat and rain even before they arrived here as they had to change their camp to Bangalore from 12th owing to rain."

6.50pm Plenty of wet patches, slushy outfield. Chances of play very remote.

Bhrt Manu: "Why do you have matches in the same city, when there are hundreds of stadiums in the country?"

Mahesh: "It didn't rain yesterday and it didn't rain the day before the 2nd match too. Considering all these matches are at the same venue and free for the spectators do you think may be some quick thinking could have been done? Still there is time to reschedule these matches if they want considering the gap between T20I series and ODIs." -- A logistical nightmare considering domestic games are being played across the country, and few venues are being readied for the SA Tests.

6.32pm Live visuals from the ground. Lot of work being carried out in the main square, even though the covers are still firmly in place. The good news is there's no rain at the moment.

Earlier in the day, we witnessed a splendid knock from Sri Lanka's Chamari Atapattu. Sri Lanka women's first-ever T20I centurion. Andrew McGlashan was at the North Sydney Oval to write about it.

6.25pm While we're talking of women's cricket, an Indian stalwart will no longer serve in the committee she was named in. Why, what, how? Here you go

ICYMI, the funniest cricketer on social media

Okay, well. Not quite THE funniest. That award goes to the one and only Jimmy Neesh. Let's say second funniest?

6.00pm Evening, everyone. Sorry to report there's been a heavy downpour this morning, forcing the ground staff to cover the ground completely. They haven't removed it yet, and we understand there was another sharp shower a while ago. So expect plenty of delays for the drainage in Surat isn't world class. I'm Shashank Kishore and with me in the engine room is Sreshth Shah

SA-W in India 2019-20 News