
J.J. Watt on Andrew Luck's retirement: “He’s an incredible competitor. I’ve loved playing against him. I think it takes an immense amount of courage, an immense amount of self-reflection and a lot of guts to do what he’s doing. I’m sure people have their ways of looking at it and their ways of trying to say what they would do in his shoes, but the truth is, nobody’s in his shoes. Nobody has had to go through what he has had to go through. Nobody has been through the rehab and injuries. Everybody sees gameday. They don’t see the offseason. They don’t see the Monday through Friday and doing whatever he possibly can to get his body ready for the game. I respect the hell out of it. It takes a whole lot to walk away from a ton of money like that, an organization like that. I respect it. I’ve had a couple of injuries myself, so I know somewhat what he is going through. To be able to make a decision like that, that’s a tough one. I know he’s probably wrestled with it for a very long time. I wish him absolutely all the best."

Sarah Barshop, ESPN Staff Writer5y ago