
Marn makes a point - player weaknesses

Martin "Marn" Phan (left) chats with James Chen (right) about esports at Evolution Championship Series 2016. ESPN.com

"He has no mixups!" exclaimed the always outspoken Martin "Marn" Phan about fellow R.Mika player Ai "Fuudo" Keita from Japan. "It's solid, that's how you're supposed to play, but if he incorporated mix-ups I think he'd the best in the world."

Strangely enough, Fuudo's style of play did get him to the grand finals of Evolution's inaugural Street Fighter V tournament (while Marn himself was knocked out earlier), but he failed to capture the world title from South Korean Lee "Infiltration" Seon-woo and his precise Nash.

Loud, off-the-wall, and certainly polarizing, Marn is never afraid to share his opinions on the game he plays, the people he plays against and the fighting game community in general. It doesn't matter if you're the legendary Daigo "The Beast" Umehara or a casual player, Marn will find something -- anything -- to give his opinion on about you.