
Digital Chaos says goodbye to Moo

David "Moo" Hull (left) and Roman "Resolut1on" Fominok of Digital Chaos at Dota 2's The International 6. Michael Hanson for ESPN

David "Moo" Hull was one of the top offlaners at Dota 2's 2016 International, and now he's looking for a new home.

In an update to the registration database for the upcoming Major, Hull has been removed from the Digital Chaos roster. In a series of posts on his Twitter, Hull's comments indicate the split may not have been amicable.

Hull was a top performer at TI6, with an overall 3.70 KDA at the tournament. His Beastmaster had a 90 percent win rate across the tournament, and his signature Timbersaw sat at 75 percent, with an average KDA of 4.35. There's no doubt Hull will be a top pick for any team looking for a good offlaner, and all eyes will be on where he goes from here.

ESPN has reached out to Digital Chaos for comment on the matter, but the organization has not yet published a statement.