
H2K takes EU's first Worlds win against INTZ

Andrei "Odoamne" Pascu (center) and Europe's H2K play in the EU LCS 2016 summer playoffs. Provided by Riot Games

A Skarner pick ended up putting the heroes of Thursday, Brazil's INTZ, on edge as Europe's H2K put The Crystal Vanguard to good use. INTZ looked confused by the jungle pick, which was in the hands of Marcin "Jankos" Jankowski (3/1/6), who utilized a Flash + Ultimate combo with deadly effectiveness.

The first half of the match was largely uneventful; First Blood didn't clock in until just north of 18 minutes. INTZ seemed hesitant to make decisions, while H2K simply used the time to contest and acquire vision. INTZ was restricted to their side of the map nearly the entire game. After First Blood, the game opened up little by little until H2K was able to secure Baron.

With two inhibitors down and no strategy for the Skarner threat, H2K grabbed an easy win at 30:36. With it, it claims the first win for Europe at the 2016 League of Legends World Championship.