
H2k finishes 4-0 day with No. 1 group seed

H2k ran through Friday's Group 2 games a perfect 4-0, advanced to the Worlds quarterfinals and claimed the top spot in their group with a tiebreaker win over EDG. Riot Games

H2k-Gaming took out EDward Gaming to claim the top seed out of Group C and finished the day with a perfect 4-0 record.

H2k set out to punish Chen "Mouse" Yu-Hao and Heo "PawN" Won-seok to snowball an advantage, and the risk largely paid off. In return for the shutdown of both Mouse and PawN, Andrie "Odoamne" Pascu was able to hit his power spikes quickly and rivaled even the highest of damage-dealers on either side.

H2k pushed the effort after the lane phase and expanded into its signature macro-oriented play with the first two turrets at 12:33. The team's split push for objectives furthered the gold lead to 5,000 at the 18 minute mark, and EDG struggled for map control. The game blew open when H2k initiated a fight in the middle lane and aced the Chinese lineup for a 10,000 gold lead.

EDG sniped a Baron attempt, in a classic H2k throw, to cling onto the game but gave it back with a poor fight near the dragon pit. The subsequent losing fight erased all advantage from an earlier Baron buff.

With the numbers in their favor, H2K barreled into the EDG base and dove into the defenses to claim the tiebreaker.