
Samsung Galaxy sprints to quarters with win over Royal Never Give Up

Samsung Galaxy's destruction of Royal Never Give Up got them a spot in the quarterfinals and possibly the No. 1 seed out of Group D. Riot Games

Samsung Galaxy maintained its spot on top of Group D and secured a berth in the quarterfinals with a dominant victory over Royal Never Give Up at the League of Legends World Championships on Saturday.

Lee "Crown" Min-ho of SSG was allowed to play his signature Viktor yet again, and on the heels of a 4/2/8 kill/death/assist display of skill on the champion against Team SoloMid earlier in the day, he finished with a 7/1/2 score against RNG as part of a dominant team win. Crown earned first blood with an assist from Jo "CoreJJ" Yong-in on a unique Zyra pick, and was able to control the middle lane and the game from there.

A huge team fight and four tower takedowns prior to the 14-minute mark meant even a few kills for the Chinese side weren't enough to overcome the third seed from South Korea. A Baron Nashor kill just after 21 minutes was the buff SSG needed to finish the game. Samsung's win was the quickest of the tournament so far at just 23:53.

The loss for RNG means it is battling for the second quarterfinals berth from Group D, setting up a crucial showdown with Team SoloMid to see who moves on to the next phase of the competition. SSG will have one final game against Splyce with a chance to secure the top spot in the group and a guaranteed matchup with a second-place team in the first knockout round.