
Score key to KT Rolster's win over Afreeca

Go "Score" Dong-bin is a League of Legends jungler on South Korean team KT Rolster. Provided by Yong Woo 'kenzi' Kim

In the second series of Thursday's Week 3 action in League of Legends Champions Korea, KT Rolster and the Afreeca Freecs put together a hard fought three-game series in Seoul, South Korea. Despite the series looking a bit hairy in Game 2, KT picked up the 2-1 series win with a suffocating Game 3 finish.

KT got the best start one could ask for when its top laner Song "Smeb" Kyung-ho stole Afreeca's blue buff with his Jayce, and jungler Go "Score" Dong-bin's rarely-seen Ivern stole the red buff to kick off Game 1. While Afreeca did manage to get first blood, KT's victory was almost never in doubt, as it never relinquished its gold lead after the two-minute mark. Score was a terror in the jungle, clearing out camps left and right to control the map and give his team a huge advantage. With the tempo completely in KT's favor, there wasn't much Afreeca could do in the 34-minute loss.

Game 2 was a complete 180 from the first, with Afreeca being the ones in control this time around. Smeb used his Jayce to pick up first blood on Afreeca's Jang "MaRin'" Gyeong-hwan's Renekton just four minutes in before Afreeca jungler Lee "Spirit" Da-yoon took down Smeb a minute later to even things up. Afreeca then won a 2-for-1 teamfight about 12 minutes in to take a gold lead that it held onto until the very end. On the back of decisive teamfights throughout the rest of the game, Afreeca slowly chipped away at KT until it won after 40 minutes.

The final game of the series followed the same storyline of the first two, with the teams jockeying for position until one finally got ahead with a key teamfight. This time it was a big 3-for-0 teamfight win for KT at the 19-minute mark that broke things open and allowed KT to start snowballing into a win. Score once again controlled the map and got his team ahead, finishing with a 5/1/6 KDA (kills/deaths/assists) in the final game.