
Ssumday, but not today: CLG sweeps Dignitas

Choi "Huhi" Jae-hyun and Trevor "Stixxay" Hayes of Counter Logic Gaming celebrate a victory by high-fiving fans. Provided by Riot Games

Counter Logic Gaming brought themselves back from the brink of defeat in Game 1 on Sunday before rolling over Team Dignitas in Game 2 to earn a sweep on Day 3, Week 3 of the North American League Championship Series Spring Split 2017 in Los Angeles.

Counter Logic Gaming built a substantial gold to start Game 1 thanks to a 6-2 tower advantage, but a tactical mistake near the 20-minute mark allowed Team Dignitas to climb back into the game. Continuing to claw its way back, Dignitas' top laner Kim "Ssumday" Chan-ho's Fiora took advantage of the multitude of resources given to him by his team to create a split push threat. It started to pay off 30 minutes in as Ssumday interrupted CLG's Baron attempt and picked up a triple kill during Team Dignitas' ace. Team Dignitas eventually gained a two inhibitor advantage but Counter Logic Gaming continued to stall. Ssumday's split push ultimately wasn't enough as he got caught overextending two times late, giving Counter Logic Gaming control en route to a Game 1 victory.

Ssumday was targeted in the banning phases of Game 2 which forced him onto Swain. As a result, he wasn't able to become the split-pushing monster that he was in Game 1 and CLG's better rotations kept Dignitas on defense. Counter Logic Gaming's mid laner Choi "Huhi" Jae-hyun's Syndra and jungler Jake "Xmithie" Puchero's Kha'Zix were effective in the mid game, cleaning up sloppy engagements from the opposition. As a result, CLG was able to take a late game Baron and Elder Dragon with relative ease near the 40-minute mark, securing the series win shortly thereafter.