
Studies show Uzi-less Royal Never Give Up still terrifying vs. LGD

Li "Xiaohu" Yuan-Hao (right) celebrates. Provided by Riot Games

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No Uzi? No problem for Royal Never Give Up, who decimated LGD Gaming in a quick 2-0 series to kick off Week 8, Day 1 of the League of Legends Pro League on Thursday in Shanghai.

Royal Never Give Up (10-2, 21-8 match record) started the series by setting a blistering pace as top laner Yan "Letme" Jun-Ze's Camille picked up a solo kill first blood on LGD top laner Li "Funny" Yuan-Hui's Renekton. Funny certainly wasn't laughing as RNG repeatedly sent members to the top lane to kill him, snowballing out of control as it so often does in the early game. While LGD Gaming (3-9, 10-18 match record) managed to pick up a couple of kills to prevent a perfect game for RNG, RNG controlled the mid game with ease until it saw an opening. Capitalizing at the 30-minute mark with a clean ace, RNG didn't need a Baron buff to take Game 1 in 30 minutes, thanks to Letme's perfect 6/0/5 KDA (kills/deaths/assists) for 100 percent kill participation.

While LGD Gaming looked marginally better after subbing Funny out for top laner Lim "Jinoo" Jin-woo, RNG continued its rampage throughout Game 2. While substitute AD carry Tao "Again" Xiang looked somewhat uncomfortable on Lucian, RNG still got ahead thanks to the return of jungler Liu "Mlxg" Shi-Yu, who built RNG's gold lead with persistent pressure on Lee Sin. After taking an explosive 5-for-0 clean ace and subsequent Baron kill at 21 minutes, a brilliant initiation from Mlxg gave RNG a 4-for-1 teamfight win and a Game 2 win in just under 25 minutes in a thorough beating of LGD Gaming.

Royal Never Give Up next takes to the Rift to take on Invictus Gaming on Saturday at 1 a.m ET, while LGD and OMG will follow that matchup when they battle at 4 a.m ET the same day.