
Toronto advances to League of Legends College Championship final

In a repeat of the uLoL Campus Series East finals, University of Toronto once again triumphed 3-1 over Carnegie Mellon University in the first semifinal series of the League of Legends College Championship on Friday.

University of Toronto got off to a solid start, getting an early flash out of CMU top laner Patrick "MegaZero" Glinsman's Galio and finding two kills before the 5-minute mark. Things only got better from there, with the Ivern of Toronto jungler Jacob "Susice" Bulir grabbing a double kill in the bot lane at eight minutes. The game then simply snowballed out of control, as Toronto dominated every fight and took Baron at 23 minutes. An easy 4-for-0 fight when Baron respawned granted Toronto an easy path into the enemy base, taking Game 1 in only 31 minutes and giving up just a single tower and no deaths in the process.

Game 2 looked to be going the same way early on, with another two early kills coming in for Toronto. Carnegie Mellon managed to pick up a few kills, but still fell behind in gold due to objectives. However, a quick 2-for-0 at 21 minutes secured an Ocean Drake for CMU, as well as Baron, though the latter came at the cost of an ace. Once Baron respawned, CMU took a massive 5-for-0 fight on the back of a quadra kill from Daniel "Coggles" Farina's Twitch, ending the game in 31 minutes.

Once again, Toronto made moves early in Game 3, grabbing four kills and first turret in the bot lane by 10 minutes. Carnegie Mellon whittled down UOT's gold lead until 25 minutes, when MegaZero's Poppy was caught out and killed. This gave Toronto a window to push, but an overaggressive dive granted Carnegie Mellon an ace with David "Yusui" Bloomquist's Ekko still split-pushing across the map. However, Toronto was able to win the next teamfight, taking a second Infernal Drake and a 31-minute Baron. After breaking the base, Toronto took one last 4-for-1 and Elder Drake to end the game in 38 minutes.

Continuing the pattern of the first three games, Coggles' Varus went down three times before 10 minutes in Game 4, giving up first tower to Toronto. From there, Toronto had complete objective control, taking four Elemental Drakes, gaining a turret lead, and finally taking a Baron and inhibitor. MegaZero's Riven was the only shining light for Carnegie Mellon, as his split-pushing merited an inhibitor as well. This wasn't nearly enough to stand up to the Kog'Maw of Sang "Erry" Terry Jun Park, who ended the game 5/0/4 in 33 minutes after one final push.

With this victory, University of Toronto is the first team to move on to the League of Legends College Championship finals on Sunday at 6 p.m. ET.