
Smeb leads KT Rolster to 2-0 over Cepted's Ever8

Song "Smeb" Kyung-ho previously played for ROX Tigers in League Champions Korea. Now he is part of KT Rolster. Yong Woo 'Kenzi' Kim

While Game 1 got off to a rough start, KT Rolster easily rebounded to come away with a dominating 2-0 sweep over Ever8 Winners on Thursday in Seoul, South Korea to open up Week 4, Day 3 in League of Legends Champions Korea.

The opening game of this series was yet another example of one player unable to carry a team on his own. Ever8 mid laner Park "Cepted" Wi-rim's Taliyah ran rampant all across the map to give his team an early lead. While KT (6-1, 12-5 match record) picked up the first blood, Cepted grabbed two kills soon after to start distancing Ever8 from KT. He never was able to get enough extra support from his teammates, however, which left Ever8 (1-7, 4-14 match record) just spinning its wheels while KT started to scale into the late game. This came to a head with a 35-minute Baron for KT that was enabled by a couple picks in the late game. KT then used the buff to start pushing right into Ever8's base before securing an ace at the 40-minute mark to lock up the win.

While KT went with a team composition that's normally centered around the Kog'Maw of AD carry Kim "Deft" Hyuk-kyu, it ended up being top laner Song "Smeb" Kyung-ho's Renekton that absolutely stole the show. He began with a couple kills early on to push KT out to a 3,000-gold lead by the 11-minute mark. At that point, KT began to snowball to give Ever8 zero room for a comeback. Smeb wasn't content to let his lead simply stay in the top lane, and roamed all over, getting every other lane a lead as well. Whereas the first game saw Cepted struggle to single handedly give Ever8 a win, Smeb took his lead and pressed for advantages in every lane to contribute to the massive win. After securing an early 22-minute Baron, KT just kept pushing until Smeb put a nice bow on the big win with a quadra kill in the final fight to lock up the 30-minute win.