
Faker talks pro player age and the second round of the LCK

Faker at LoL Park in Seoul, South Korea. Provided by Riot Games

After the Lunar New Year break, Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok took to the Rift with SK Telecom with his signature LeBlanc, taking down Gen.G in the process. We caught up with Faker and followed up about what he did during his time off.

ESPN: You've just won [against Gen.G] and were also awarded double MVP. How are you feeling at the moment?

Faker: I've been awarded two MVPs for the first time [in this split]. We won the match, however, we also dropped a game. I think I am regretful about that. So I think we will have to prepare well for the next match.

ESPN: It is regretful that you have dropped a match. However, Faker, your performance really shined today. You picked LeBlanc during Game 2 and had a good performance, darting in and out of skirmishes. During the lane phase, you even solo killed the opposing mid laner. Could you tell us more about your performance on LeBlanc?

Faker: As of my performance on LeBlanc, I did in fact find a solo kill during the lane phase. However, there were also moments around the same time where I made mistakes. So, I also have regrets about my performance. I think I will have to show an even better performance in my next match.

ESPN: So you are capable of doing better on LeBlanc than today?

Faker: Yep.

ESPN: In Game 3, you picked Zoe and were also awarded MVP for that game. The damage bar on Zoe was off the chart for every teamfight. You really showed everyone how to play a poke-based champion. Could you also rate your performance on Zoe?

Faker: As of Game 3, I think the situation was built up in a way that I could really pop off. Also, my teammates set the game up really well. The opposing team had champions that were easy for me to land skills on, so I had a good performance as a result.

ESPN: Looking back at the last two games, is there any particular moment where you feel you performed the best? A personal highlight?

Faker: I think I did pretty well the time I used Flash to take Sivir down and we immediately went for Baron after.

ESPN: This is something you mentioned during the MVP interview, too. [Khan] said in an MVP interview that he wants Faker to take time getting the MVPs ... That he will be taking the MVPs in your stead. Do you have a response to Khan?

Faker: I want to get lots of MVPs very quickly.

ESPN: How many MVP points do you want?

Faker: Hmmm ... As much as I possibly can. I'll have to play well to get there, too.

ESPN: Your performance has really improved over the last few matches. Before this week, there was a weeklong break for the LCK. Do you think this rest period has played a part in this recent improvement in performance?

Faker: I got to sleep a lot during the break period. So, perhaps my brain has found some tranquility after that rest.

ESPN: In a recent ESPN interview, we asked what you were planning to do during the break period. At that time, you answered that you are planning to read some books. When that article came out, people made interesting guesses that you will be reading Mejai's Spellbook, or possibly the big spellbook or Ryze. Were you really reading some Mejais?

Faker: I did plan to read some Mejais. However, I actually felt a bit lazy, so I only ended up reading a book or two.

ESPN: What did you end up reading?

Faker: Just some books.

ESPN: The age of the LCK players became a topic of discussion recently and you, along with [Song "Fly" Yong-jun], are the two oldest mid laners playing in the LCK. [Faker is 22; Fly will be 23 next week.] That is a testimony to just how long you have been on top for all these years. What are your thoughts on the current situation?

Faker: The age of a professional gamer rarely goes past 22, 23. Not only in the LCK, but in other leagues around the world. However, I believe that I myself will be able to play well for a long time. If I take care of and maintain my health especially, I think I'll be able to continue playing for a while. Also, the average age of [the SKT team] is surprisingly high among the LCK teams. Our top laner and support are also quite old. I think it's very interesting that we are putting on a good performance, despite the age. I think that is very curious.

ESPN: The [average age] also shows just how many upcoming rookie mid laners are playing in the LCK at the moment. Rising stars like [Jeong "Chovy" Ji-hoon, Son "Ucal" Woo-hyeon, Heo "ShowMaker" Soo] ... Faker, where do you believe you are ranked at among these up and coming mid laners?

Faker: I believe that I am still the first or second best mid laner [in the LCK]. However ... I currently have some inconsistencies in my performance. If I groom them out, I think I can perform even better. Also ... This is my personal observation from playing in the LCK. I have yet to see a single player that has performed to a point where I have been truly impressed with them. Yet.

ESPN: SKT has only one match remaining for the round one of the LCK spring split. You will be hoping to close off round one with a victory. I'd like to hear your resolution for that last match.

Faker: We lost to Griffin and Sandbox Gaming during round one. We'll first win against KT Rolster [during round one], then ... We'll have to start preparing hard for round two so we can beat Griffin and Sandbox the next time we face them.

ESPN: It sounds like you are already counting down the days for the day you face Griffin or Sandbox again.

Faker: Yep, that is the case. If we do beat Griffin and Sandbox, we have a chance at finishing first place in the LCK spring split. We have refined our teamwork since then, so I think we'll have interesting matches the next time we face them. So I'm looking forward to it.

ESPN: Finally, as always, there are countless international fans who will be tuning into this interview. If you can perhaps say a word to the fans, it will be appreciated.

Faker: I'm very grateful that there are so many fans cheering for us. I'd like to show you a good performance as soon as possible. I'd like to go to an international tournament soon ... It's been a while.