
Riot Games announces fighting game in the works

Riot Games is the developer of one of the biggest games in the world, League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot

What many people suspected was finally confirmed: Riot Games is working on a fighting game. Tom Cannon, senior developer of the developer, gave the information during the Evolution Championship Series 2019 panel on Friday.

The idea that a fighting game would be Riot's next title has been around since 2016 when they acquired Radiant Entertainment Studio, the responsible for titles like Rising Thunder and Stonehearth.

Tom said this was "the worst kept secret in history" and laughed, later saying that the goal of the project is to make fighting game fans proud. "We want everyone here [at Evo] feeling like, 'yeah, it was made for me.'"

The producer also said, "They have been in the lab for a while and there is still a long way to go", and that making a fighting game is very difficult.

"I'm not here to say that the game is coming out soon, but we feel that we are making progress and I thought it would be appropriate to kind of 'reset' the conversation and let everyone know that we are doing what you thought we were doing. That is it for now. When there is more to say, I will be the first one to."