
ESPNHS Weekend: Best blogs 5/9-10

Editor's note: ESPNHS is a collection of the best blogs and videos from high schoolers across the country. Want to get involved? Start blogging and uploading videos today!


" Kobe Bryant VS Lebron James"


By espnjunkie09
Haven't this years playoffs 2009, been one of the best yet. I mean lets talk about the Bulls/Celtics series, I haven't seen the Bulls show so much heart since Michael Jordan/Pippen era. But the Celtics got me, I really didn't think they were going to round 2, but look they seemed to prove me wrong. And I love how the Atlanta Hawks show courage,skills, and possibly smarts. They always seem to creep to the next round without me expecting it. So shoutout to the Atlanta Hawks and their coach, he doing his thing keeping Josh Smith mellow and chilled, because I don't know what he was thinking going for that under the legs dunk. I mean he's Josh Smith he can do that, but can he respect that he was in the playoffs and that little miss could've costed him and his team the next round.

Keep reading this blog ...

LeBron James


By espnjunkie09
LeBron James was named the MVP this week..He deserved it.He lead his team to a 66-16 record,39-2 at home,27-14 on the road.He is 24 years old,youngest NBA MVP ever.He didn't go to College,straight to NBA after High School. His dunk are amazuhzing(from the movie Benchwarmers).
What's your favorite LeBron dunk?


Hawks over Canucks


By Havlatfan
OHH YEEAAAHHHH!!!! The Hawks beat the Canucks and go up 3-2 in the series. So far the Hawks have been doing good in the playoffs, but they are waiting until the third to pull away or even start up the offense. Before the game they said the Hawks have come back to win in four games. Usually when a team is pressured to come back in a game, they lose more energy. As long as is doesn't take to much out of them they can keep doing what they're doing.
Which team do you think will win this series?




By KidSox1
Why Is That All Great Gernerations Of Baseball, Do We Have One Stand Out Player Who Makes Baseball Fun To Watch. A-Rod Admitted To Usimg Steriods, Man-Ram Cought Using Steriods,Andy Pettite Admitted, Barry Bonds Thoguht To Have Used, No Evidence At All That Has Been Found, Make His Case Worthy. But People In Baseball, Mostly every Fan Is Tired Of Hearing This.
... Read the rest of this blog and weigh in!

The Nationals Can Go Over .500 This Year, and I Know How.


By Diesel8590
Ever since the National's first season in the MLB, they've been the laughing stock of the NL East: no winning seasons for 4 straight years, and losing an abysmal 102 games last year. With the Nationals starting the season out winning 1 of their first 11 games, now 9-18, the Nationals are looking poised to another bad season. But I feel that the Nationals are primed to getting their first winning season this year. Call me crazy.

Talk Nationals baseball with Diesel8590!

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The Anetzberger Verdict


By franzkorbball4
Check out The Anetzberger Verdict. It's my personal blog that covers the various levels of professional basketball. I mainly cover the NBA (Jamario Moon), but I also cover the CBA, NBDL, and Europe. I have interviewed former NBA players and try to set up interviews every month or so. Get to know franzkorbball!

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