
ESPNHS: Best NBA playoffs blogs

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Playoff predictions

NBA Conference Finals Predictions


By dirtydave998
The two teams in the finals last year struggled into seven games and only one got out, the Lakers.

1 Lakers vs. 2 Nuggets
Even though the Lakers have been struggling from the Rockets seven-game series, and the Nuggets have been on fire, I'm still picking the Lakers. I think they have learned from their experience with the Rockets, and come off it and play like we know they can play. Although with the Nuggets playing this well, it will tough Lakers in 7.
Check out dirtydave998's East predictions!

2009 NBA Playoffs


By RSparks22
Magic vs. Cavs

I think that the Cavs have the advantage in this series because of the depth to keep up with the Magic plus LeBron James. With his new and improved 3-pt, hes unstoppable. Plus, the new addition of Mo Williams has kept the pressure off of LeBron. If the Magic have any shot in this series, they will need good guard play out of Alston, Lee, and Redick. For Cleveland to win this series, they need the desire to win, LeBron needs to keep the Cleveland offense flowing, and they will need the guard play of Delonte West, Mo Williams, and Daniel Gibson. The bottomline is that Cleveland has to much fire power; they also the MVP and the coach of the year. The Cavs will win in 6. Who do you think will win? Cavs? Magic?

Your teams

Thanks Magic


By RaivonBailey
I would like to personally thank the magic for putting out the celtics.That was the bulls revenge. now that the cavs are my only team left i want the cavs to dominate the magic and then flatten the lakers.its gonna be a good show down between lebron and kobe if the cavs can manage against the magic.im not countin out the magic but the cavs have to many offensive weapons and the magic dont have that much of a defense.for example last night when ray allen got goin they couldnt even shut hum down. its gonna be interesting.
What do you think? Weigh in!

Why the Denver Nuggets winning the NBA Title is a bad thing.


By BoBulus0
Earlier today I was talking to my dad about the Denver Nuggets' chances of winning the NBA Championship. I think they're pretty damn good. I think that they can handle Kobe and the Lakers; as well as LeBron and the Cavs. I don't know about Orlando, cause that's my team. But 2/3 isn't bad. Then we started talking about why. First thing that came to mind is Chauncey Billups. With Iverson, this is just another team with two superstars who want the ball more than the other. This is where Billups becomes so valuable.
Read the rest of this post. What do you think?


Cavs vs L.A. (KB and LB)


By Bl33dBlu3826
Ok just for a heads up this blog is totally biased and it just may affend every Lebron fan out there…and Lebron himself. lol

Ok there is all this talk about Lebron and how hes oh so mighty and great and is the "best player in the NBA". really i beg to differ. The best player is'nt all about these stats and pulling off a Triple-Double every game. You gotta realise every little thing into seeing who the true best player is. My opinnion is Kobe Bryant of course. People may argue saying Lebron is averaging more points and ect. but look at it this way. Kobe Bryant is clearly having a even season with Lebron. ... Read the rest of this post!

kobe bryant is #1!!


By 22kobefan24
the best player in the nba is kobe bryant
Who do you think is the best NBA player?!

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