
ESPNHS: Best MLB blogs 7/12-13

Editor's note: ESPNHS is a collection of the best blogs and videos from high schoolers across the country. Want to get involved with ESPNHS? Start blogging and uploading videos today!

All-Star Break

RANT TO ME - All-Star Ranting: NL Version


By ecksteinmyidol
Two weekends ago, the official voting for the All-Star starting lineups was announced, and instantly te Message Boards here at ESPN, mlb.com, and every team site caught fire. It seems like every user woke up to declare the actual starting lineups and why the fan voting system is corrupt. Last time, we reviewed the AL All-Star starting lineup and determined who really "deserved" to be there. On the eve of the All-Star game, we will do the same thing with the NL.
Read all about the NL All-Star roster and rant to ecksteinmyidol!


MLB Trade Rumors


By pd49ers
Today the Boston Red Sox stated that they would love to try to bring Roy Halladay to Boston, but they would wait until the asking price to go down. I personally don't see the Blue Jays trading within the division before the trade deadline. Currently, teams interested in Halladay are dropping out of the discussion because of the steep asking price. The teams that I could still see possibly making the move to get Roy are the Phillies, Angels, and Yankees. If the Yankees are to get him, they would have to trade one of their prized minor league prospects, and possibly Phil Hughes or Joba Chamberlain.
Read more baseball blogs from pd49ers!


Stop Question About Steroids in Baseball FOREVER


By admachina
High profile players such as Albert Pujols should approach the MLB and ask for their 2003 tests (the ones which outlined A-Rod and Sammy Sosa) to be made public. Anyone too frightened about the truth wouldn't have them released, and it would give justice to all of those players who are actually clean and it may allow them to make it out of the steroid era with their reputation unscathed. Weigh in on this blog!

Boston Red Sox

Schedule Seems to Favor BoSox in Final 22 Games?


By JPYankees26
If Terry Francona would make a speech about a great first half, on his list of people to thank would be: his players, the coaches, and the schedule makers?

As the first half came to an end Sunday, the Yankees were in California trying to avoid the sweep to the first place Angels. That did not happen. The Yanks have been 1-19 in their last 20 games at Angel Stadium. Meanwhile, the Boston Red Sox were at Fenway playing the 4th place (11.5 Games Back) Kansas City Royals. The Sox were able to take 3 of 4 in the series. Read more about the Red Sox and weigh in on the rest of the team's season.

Texas Rangers



By rangersphan94
im a die hard rangers fan and i wish they would make a trade for a first basemen or a pitcher or two. please pitchers............
Talk Rangers baseball with rangersphan94!

Manny Ramirez

Manny Ramirez


By pieces44
He did have perform enhanced drugs but still is can be a great player. Clutch at bats and stolen bases. Ever sinse Manny went to the Dodgers he was hustleing more than he was on any team. Joe Torre should be impressed of what Manny is doing for him. Juan Piere was doing great when manny was on his 50 game suspension. Starting manny is a good move but hes getting old. What do you think about Manny? Weigh in!

Brad Bergeson

Brad Bergeson


By mdpride222
He has been a very good rookie, quite possibly the ROY at the end of the year. He is 6-3 and has had a quality start 8 of the last 9 games. He has pitched very well for a player that has been part of the rebuilding for the Orioles that might have been trade bait a month or two ago. I think this is what the Orioles rotation will look like in 2011:

Ace- Brad Bergeson Check out the rest of the rotation!

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