Scoring Summary


1stRortvedt hit sacrifice fly to right, Walls scored, DeLuca to third.10
1stMurray singled to right, DeLuca scored, J. Lowe to third.20
1stWood homered to left center, Crews scored.22
1stGarcía Jr. homered to right.23
1stTena doubled to left, Call scored.24
4thMangum homered to left, Montes scored and Misner scored.54
4thJ. Lowe homered to left center.64
5thMurray homered to left center.74
5thGarcía Jr. grounded into double play, first to shortstop to first, Wood scored, Lowe out at second.75
6thMangum homered to right.85
6thJ. Lowe singled to right, Walls scored.95
7thMisner singled to left, Murray scored, R. Seymour to second.105
9thR. Seymour homered to left center.115
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