
Mike McCarthy to Packers' players: Take the whole week off

GREEN BAY, Wis. – Just minutes after Sunday’s victory over the San Diego Chargers, Clay Matthews had a message for a group of reporters waiting at his locker.

“Make it fast; I’ve got a bye week,” Matthews said.

Like most of the Green Bay Packers, Matthews was headed out of town.

“I’m going back to California, getting a little sun and enjoy the 6-0 start,” he said. “Hopefully come back refreshed and hit these last 10 games running.”

Thanks to coach Mike McCarthy, Matthews and his teammates could make their plans well in advance. McCarthy said he told the players even before Sunday’s game against the Chargers that they would be off all week.

“Coaching in Green Bay, one of the things that I've learned -- and frankly, had to get comfortable with -- was really telling the players the schedule ahead of time,” McCarthy said. “Because let's be honest, we all love it here, but it's two flights to get out of here, if you want to leave. So your travel time, they're going to have a half-a-day, or three-quarters of a day less than what you think they have.

“I think maybe telling them ahead of time what the schedule is, that they're able to get their flights and save a little money, probably makes them play a little harder for their coach. I'm sure that's what it is.”

Of the four teams on the bye week this week – the Packers, Bears, Bengals and Broncos – only the Packers have nothing going on this week. All three teams had at least one practice scheduled for this week.

The collective bargaining agreement requires players to have at least four days off, including Saturday, during their bye week.