
RLCS 2: Which EU teams move onto the finals?

Provided by Psyonix.

We're moving across the pond from yesterday's North America preview to the European Rocket League Championship Series playoffs. With the stage set for the final in Amsterdam, the European teams will all be looking to advance out of the double elimination bracket and compete for the lion's share of $250,000. Here's how Week 1 of the playoffs stacks up:

Mockit Aces (3) vs. Reunited (6)

If the Aces were playing anyone other than Reunited, I would say this will be a quick 3-0 (it really would be). Reunited, more than any other team, will not roll over and die. Mockit are the heavy favorites in this match and should probably advance comfortably. If they keep up the pressure, they'll head to Amsterdam as favorites alongside FlipSid3 Tactics and Northern Gaming.

This is the type of set Reunited can thrive in. They come in as fan favorite underdogs looking to make the incredible happen; with Mockit Aces in solid form going into playoffs, this set should be rather one sided. But if anyone was going to make this upset happen, it would be Reunited.

Prediction: Mockit Aces 3-0 Reunited

Precision Z (4) vs. Red Eye (5)

Red Eye weren't supposed to be here, let alone comfortably. Many people expected OhMyDog to make it here, or Red Eye to fall off after its excellent first half form, but it didn't. Unfortunately for Red Eye, the upset story should end here with Precision Z being heavy favorites to advance and to make LAN.

If Red Eye can somehow keep its quietly consistent form going this match could be very close, but Precision Z may be just a little bit too good for them to keep up. With that said, don't count Red Eye out from the loser's bracket. With two cracks at Precision Z, it could definitely be close.

Prediction: Precision Z 3-2 Red Eye